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Apartment T3 Estoril Cascais - kitchen, swimming pool, garage, garden, terrace, store room, gardens, sound insulation
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  • EigendomtypeAppartement T3
  • Verkoop
    € 2.500.000
  • Gebied162 m²
  • Bouw2022
  • CountyLisboa
  • StadCascais
  • Gemeente
  • LokaalEstoril
162 m²


Green Hill- Een unieke levensstijl
ingevoegd in een woonwijk, is Green Hill gecomponeerd door bekende villa's waar privacy en stilte worden gegarandeerd, bieden een ongeëvenaard welzijn en comfort. Aan de ene kant is het dicht bij de kosmopolitische gebieden zoals Estoril en Cascais en, aan de andere kant, groene gebieden en zwijgen, in een ambiance van SEREenheid, waar de eerste verdieping van de SERENEen wordt gespeeld. the condominium comprises five Gardens, with typologies that differ from 1 bedroom apartments to 4 bedroom apartments, surrounded by green areas, which are embellished by five private gardens.
The 2 bedroom apartments, 3 bedroom apartments and 4 bedroom apartments also benefit from swimming pools, besides the gardens.
Green Hill presents a particular architecture and the highest quality finishes, such as the
wood plank flooring, lighting through crown mouldings and acoustic and thermal insulation.
The bathrooms are decorated with stone, with suspended fittings and tempered glass.
The kitchens´ floor and walls are made of stone with polished finishes and they are totally fitted with high range household appliances.
The domotics system controls the lighting, the temperature, the rails, the blinds and the detection alarms (fire, gas, flood and intrusion).
The completion of the work is predicted to March of 2022.


Estoril, Cascais, Lisboa


Rede Internacional de Imóveis
AMI Licentie: 15406
Website: rede-internacional-imoveis.com
Telefoon: +55 85 99955 9497