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For Sale Building Estrela Lisboa - exterior area
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  • Property typeBuilding
  • Sale
    (12.000.000) € 9.000.000
  • CountyLisboa
  • TownLisboa
  • Parish
  • REFOP-999022305


Building to be rehabilitated on the first river line.
Building to be rehabilitated on the first river line.
Plot with 1250sqm.
Deployment area 850sqm.
4 floors above ground and 1 floor below ground.
Annexed building with approximately 600sqm .
It is a building with mixed use of housing, services and commerce, consisting of a store, above ground floor, two floors, attics and patio.
PIP now submitted, recommends maintaining the existence of a mixed-use building, but predominantly residential in nature. It is not proposed to change its volume, by increasing the number of floors, nor changes to its architecture, thus maintaining its relationship with the buildings in its immediate surroundings unchanged.
At the level of Floor 0, it is proposed to create two spaces dedicated to commerce/services, with independent access through gaps in the main facade.
For the upper floors, it is proposed to create fourteen (14) housing units: thirteen (13) will be developed in the body of the main building and one (T4 quadriplex) in the existing annex located to the northwest of the land.
Access to the fractions located in the main building will be built from number 96 on Avenida 24 de Julho, up to floor level 5.75m (Floor 1) which is located 2.06m above the threshold level. From this level, access to the upper floors is ensured by a group of elevators and enclosed stairs that rise to level 12.90 (Floor 3).
The housing types will be distributed across the three floors as follows:
Floor 1 - five dwellings of types T0, T2 and T3.
Floor 2 4 dwellings of types T2 and T3.
Floor 3 4 dwellings of different types, T2, T3 duplex, T5 duplex and T6 duplex
The duplex typologies arise due to the proposed use of the roof space, which is also currently used for housing use.
After the demolition of the buildings that currently occupy the patio, its area will be 438.05sqm.


Estrela, Lisboa


AMI License: 775
Address: Largo São Miguel, 17 R/C - 6300-865 Guarda
Telephone: 271 107 116 / 967 714 296